hotels & F&B beverage

There has been increasingly keen competition in current hotels and F&B business market. Therefore, it has become crucial for the business owners to improve the condition of the facilities and provide better services than any other competitors in order to succeed in this field.

Micro Super Watering machine will help provide the improved services in hotels and F&B business by using the innovative and eco-friendly technology, which would meet customer’s needs and even encourage more people to try them by word-of-mouth. Highly activated hydrogen alkaline water has a great effect on removing bacteria and contaminants on surface and keeps the facilities clean without using any chemical detergent that often causes skin diseases. Furthermore, the floor mopped with Micro Super Watering machine does not spread any stink inside of facilities whereas other chemical detergents often do.

Operating costs and environmental impacts are influenced by water use. Industry experts suggest that implementing water efficiency practices in commercial buildings can reduce expenditure by approximately 11 per cent and energy and water use by 10 and 15 per cent. For example, reusing clean towels and linen in rooms can help to reduce laundry load significantly.

Finally, adopting water efficient practices will allow hotel and F&B factory owners to meet the needs of an increasingly eco-friendly society and position them for recognition.

This process can easily be applied to:

  • Swimming pools
  • Kitchens and service stations
  • Laundries
  • General housekeeping
  • Heavy machinery e.g. cooling towers