Hospitals and healthcare facilities

Poor conditions and infections caused during a hospital stay would discourage people from believing in its medical ability and damage the reputation of the healthcare facility as a whole. Therefore, keeping likable conditions can help establish trust in health services and encourage people to feel comfortable with the facilities.
Micro Super Watering machine will help not only get rid of bacteria on surface but also keep the facilities clean without using any chemical detergents, which often causes skin diseases and some other problems.

However, the floor mopped with Micro Super Watering machine does not leave any stink inside of facilities whereas other chemical detergents often do. In addition, since Highly activated hydrogen alkaline water can clean the facilities without any chemical detergents, it is totally environment-friendly and harmless to the human body. With the threat of shortages and droughts increasingly looming around the corner, there is a growing demand from already depleted water supplies and treatment systems.

Water efficiency, especially in healthcare, leaves a lot to be desired. Few have considered implementing water efficiency programmes because of the historically low cost and the perception that it is an inexhaustible resource.

However, many are not aware that investing in water efficiency brings attractive returns as it is an emerging risk-management strategy. Although general water conservation reduces wastage and protects the environment

with the addition of the Micro Super Watering Machine hospitals will also see:

  • Improved food sanitation
  • Better laundry management
  • Better hygiene practices
  • Better machinery performance e.g. HVACs, X-rays and sterilisers
  • An enhanced relationship with the community